

Monday, 25 June 2018


After writing four books about Canadian explorers, the Explorer Chronicles Series consisting of Samuel de Champlain (Eng. And Fr.); The Vikings, Cabot and Cartier; Explorers of the Pacific Northwest and La Salle and The Rise of New France, and reading scads of research material, I have been thinking about what I have learned.

People travel, people are curious, people are drawn by novelty, and people want to make money by trading their goods for other goods of value. These desires drove the explorers to find new places and it drove their sponsors to invest in their travels.

Being a curious person myself, I started to ask questions about my country, Canada, and our nearest neighbour, United States of America. Why are we characterized so differently? Why are we so different in character?

Having been trained in university in science, I ask questions and I want answers. But first my job in answering my question is to have a theory. The answer is in the beginnings of each country.

The book I am writing now is the product of the theory, investigation and subsequent proof.

By the Way: the new book is titled, Different Strokes: Answers to the Perplexing Differences Between Americans and Canadians

Monday, 18 June 2018

A Sunday in the Country

We decided to take a Sunday drive on the back roads of Oxford and Norfolk Counties. Having lived in Woodstock for only four years, so we're still looking for interesting places to go. We headed south to Port Dover on Lake Erie. David's had been recommended for lunch. What a beautiful view to go along with and excellent lunch.

Wine tasting came next on our list. Burning Kiln Vineyard near Turkey Point was the destination.
The land was originally used to grow tobacco, but now is covered with grape vines.

There was a patio with bright red umbrellas and the food was supplied by David's! Who knew?
We've filed that info away for a later date to come with friends for lunch with good wines and music on the patio some Sunday later in the summer.

By the Way: the weather was superb and the drive proved to be another great adventure.